Looking After A Puppy
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Pronađite hranu koja odgovara potrebama vašeg ljubimca
Pronađite hranu koja odgovara potrebama vašeg ljubimca
Puppies are cute and adorable and make fabulous pets. Looking after a puppy is no joke though, puppies take a lot of time and effort and of course, they grow up fast, which is why, when buying or adopting a puppy, you have to be absolutely sure about it.
If you are a
A nutritional program like the ones provided here at Hills Pet can also give your puppy the nutritional advantage that they require. We have packs specifically designed for puppies which can be replaced by the range for adult dogs as these puppies grow older.
Potty training your puppy
As the puppy matures into a dog, he should steadily acquire the skill of bladder control. This takes time and training to perfect. A young pup will need to go outside every hour or so when awake, after every meal and each time they wake after a nap. Lots of praise when they ‘go’ outside and not reacting (positively or negatively) when they make a mistake indoors, is a great way to get your pup into the right habits early on – but every dog is different and some take a while longer to get the hang of it.