Natural Ingredients*,
Perfectly Balanced.
100% Balanced nutrition guaranteed or your money back *natural ingredients plus vitamins, minerals and amino acids
Supports natural defences
OMEGA-3 & 6
For a healthy skin and radiant coat
Healthy digestion for happy tummies
Promote overall health
Natural Ingredients*, Perfectly Balanced
At Hill's, our team of pet nutritionists use natural ingredients to create cat food recipes with optimal levels of over 50 nutrients, providing the perfect balance of nutrition for your cat's health – nothing more, nothing less.
*Plus vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
Natural Ingredients*, Perfectly Balanced
At Hill's, our team of pet nutritionists use natural ingredients to create cat food recipes with optimal levels of over 50 nutrients, providing the perfect balance of nutrition for your cat's health – nothing more, nothing less.
*Plus vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
Natural Ingredients*, Perfectly Balanced
At Hill's, our team of pet nutritionists use natural ingredients to create cat food recipes with optimal levels of over 50 nutrients, providing the perfect balance of nutrition for your cat's health – nothing more, nothing less.
*Plus vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
Natural Ingredients*, Perfectly Balanced
At Hill's, our team of pet nutritionists use natural ingredients to create cat food recipes with optimal levels of over 50 nutrients, providing the perfect balance of nutrition for your cat's health – nothing more, nothing less.
*Plus vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
Natural Ingredients*, Perfectly Balanced
At Hill's, our team of pet nutritionists use natural ingredients to create cat food recipes with optimal levels of over 50 nutrients, providing the perfect balance of nutrition for your cat's health – nothing more, nothing less.
*Plus vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
Natural Ingredients*, Perfectly Balanced
At Hill's, our team of pet nutritionists use natural ingredients to create cat food recipes with optimal levels of over 50 nutrients, providing the perfect balance of nutrition for your cat's health – nothing more, nothing less.
*Plus vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
Not Too Much.
Not Too Little.
The right ingredients in the right proportions. Natural ingredients*, perfectly balanced.
*Plus vitamins, minerals and amino acids
Ponašanje i izgled | Hill's Pet
Kada bi mačke mogle pričati, vlasnici bi im mogli postaviti mnoga pitanja. Na primjer: Jesi li gladna? Zašto se voliš skrivati u papirnatim vrećicama? I moraš li se baš češkati na kauču? Bez sumnje, mačke su tajanstvene, ali isplati se pokušati shvatiti kako razmišljaju i zašto se ponašaju na određene načine.
OBUKA | Hill's Pet
Dok psi žele ispuniti očekivanja svog "vođe", važno je imati na umu da su mačke drugačije. Njih više zanima da usreće sebe! Stoga, ako želite da mačka prestane grebati namještaj, skakati na kućne radne površine ili gristi vas u igri, trebat će vam mnogo strpljenja, poštovanja prema životinji, potkrepljenja i nagrada.